River is one of our most popular discs of the past decade, probably due to it’s tremendous GLIDE. The River is a fairway driver for those accuracy shots that demands good control. It is easy to throw and fits most player’s power and skill levels. With small fade and amazing glide, you can really let it fly on those big anhyzer curves.
Approved Date: Jun 2, 2010 l Max Weight: 178.5gr l Diameter: 21.5cm l Height: 1.9cm l Rim Depth: 1.2cm l Rim Thickness: 1.8cm l Inside Rim Diameter: 17.8cm
"Min favorit understabila disc, oftast med lite dome men går att hitta plattare om man letar. Fin för turnovers eller rollers och glider otroligt länge i luften. Rating 880"